Sunday, February 11, 2007


yEahh~~~ today had a tiring but FUN dae! hahaz... =)

Today got dance~ Waahhh... Cindy lao shi's class is scary!!! we had LOTs of stretching... crunchers... and arm exercises... and WORST of all... TURNS, Pirotte.. hahaz.. arGh.. it was sooooooo tiring~ BUT it was definetly feeling good~ hahaz... and i think i need MORE practise for my Wu Chun Feng... hahaz...

After dance, went to my fav. box shop [ City Link ], to get marc's bdae box box, hahaz... it was pretty k? got a BIG bling bling and wristband for him.. wahhaa.. [ expensive k ] but worth it... he was sucha nice senior and dancer, hahaz... made my dance daes in sp superb! hahaz.. happy 21st bdae! hahaz..

Had dinner at newyork newyork with gou dan.. Saw heater on the way... hahazz... he was munching on bread [ i think ] lolx... =P
i had pasta and he got ribs... [ got pics k ] got root beer float! so nice~ hahaz... after that rush to marc's bbq... hahaz... only stayed for awhile coz gotta rush HOME~ BUT we had two trips of pirate ship [ kids version ] but it was good! felt alive n at least feeling something... that at least i am feeling something from my heart.. hahaz [ =X ] left with one ticket... we played a game and got a zan li ping [ victory toy ] hahah it was soooo -.- hahahz...

[ hUiz and the root beer float, so tired... ]

[ BEfore... ]

[ AftER.....~ =) ]

[ Gou dan n hUiz ] movie and k-box kaki~

[ bored frm waiting 4 cab... us and the victory toy!! ]


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