Oh well, i quite enjoyed myself with my family, cousins, frens and bby! hehex.. Went to grandma hse on Chu 1 and movie-ing with bro, bro's gf [ jacinta ], shuyee, yisheng, matt and bby! Watch CJ7! it was SO touching that i cried.. i really think that small girl acted really good! hehex
[ bby was so cute when he bai nian with my grandma and parents.. hehe ]
Then Chu 3 went to cherwei's hse with amanda [ amanda's turn to stress!! wahahha ] of coz with patty and jiawen, bby and me! Okies. Cherwei's hse is HUGE! haha~ got balcony here and there de... lOlx but hor.. the bed go change la!! wahahah... =P Eat steamboat till very very full!! hehex~
After which, went to bby's hse [ okies, my turn to stress! ] then of coz bai nian with the parents.. wahha.. then we drank the white wine [ amanda bought for cw's parents ], sushi [ bby's aunt made it ] and the ba gua!! Cw just eat and eat and eat k!!! wahahha.. if stares can kill.. think amanda already killed him... LOLX!
We played the game call '99' and only like the four of us played [ jw, patty, bby and me ] LOL! it was really fun k! next time should pass the game down... wahahah~ And then we entertained bby's cousin, marcus, by playing PS2 with him.. Patty and me was like having heart spams... coz it was REALLY exciting worx!! wahahaz.. we practically scream and yelled whenever we die.. wahahah!!!
Seriously i enjoyed!!! wahahah
P.s amanda!!! never wish you guys coz i always have you all with me ma~ lOLx!!! no bias worx! wahahaha!!! so when is the next outing?? Cant wait!! hehe ^-^
Today is Chu7 so as usual, we needa perform at the banquet~ Everything was pretty okies and we took lotsa pics too~ it will be on facebook so check it out there~ hehex.
Bby came to pick me up at convention centre and we went to our ' lao di fang'
V'day present!
Anyway, it is Germany designer watch [ about 400++ for both watches ] =X
[Ta-da! ]
[ Us wearing it! ]
BBY!! *hearts* =D
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